Let´s Antihassle! - take control of your calender

CellCom presents:

Let´s Antihassle! take control of your calender

by Anna Perho

Tuesday 19.12.2023

13:00-14:30 Interactive lecture

14:30-16:00 Networking with refreshments

Anna Perhos Antihassle-masterclass gives super practical tools for better time management.

The anti hassle model is based on values management since that's the core of time management: the way your calendar looks the way off your carrier and live lies. 

By attending the master class you will get:

  • a clear model for evaluating your calendar
  • practical tools for feeling less busy and more in control
  • some good questions to work with: if you are not confident with how you are using your time right now what would you like to see instead?
  • A peek of your core values: what is it that you actually would like to spend your time with?

Anna has written several business and self help books and she also hosts Elämänkoulu (The school of life) podcast. The masterclass is based on on her best selling book Antisäätäjä.


IG @annaperho

Podcast: Elämänkoulu

Registration deadline: Monday 11.12



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