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Thank you for participating in this study! The study is part of the research project "In the Middle and in the Margins: Yoga Practitioners in Finland". The project is funded by the Research Council of Finland and the Polin-institute in Turku. You will find more information about the project here:
Here you will find the GDPR-statement of the project (in Finnish):
This study consists of two parts. You will find the link to part two at the end of the survey.
Do you belong to an ethnic, sexual or gender minority? Do you want to participate in a research interview on values and inclusivity in Finnish yoga from a LGBTQ+ or BIPOC perspective? We are interested to hear about your experiences! Please don't hesitate to contact project researcher Ella Poutiainen ( for further information.
By filling in and submitting this survey, you give your consent to participate in the study, and you agree with the following points:
1) You have received information about the project and are aware that your responses will become a part of scientific research.
2) You understand that participation in the survey is voluntary and that you can withdraw from the research at any point without consequences. Already submitted information can, however, be used even after withdrawing from the research.
3) You consent to your responses being archived at the Finnish Social Science Data Archive ( The Archive may share data with registered users for research, teaching or study purposes.
4) You understand that your participation is confidential and that we do not have access to your contact information. The background questions are few and general so as to avoid identifying you, and you are also careful not to share identifiable information in free-text answers.
With kind regards,
Måns Broo
Principal Investigator