During the spring/summer of 2016 we will be starting a joint mentorship programme for all interested international students studying in any of the HEI:s in Turku.

The Mentorship Programme will be conducted in groups of 3-6 mentorees per group. We aim to have 1-2 mentor(s) for each group, of which one preferably with international background her-/himself.


Mentorship Programme 2016 for international students in Turku

On this form you can leave your information if you are preliminary interested in the programme. We will contact you later with more info and you can then decide if and to what extent you want to take part.





What is your field of studies or expertise?



I'm already working or I'm an entrepreneur. I have experience from the Finnish labour market and want to preliminary sign up as a mentor for a mentoree group. (Mark this only if you want to be a mentor!)

Sändning av uppgifter

Thank you for your interest! We will contact you soon with more information!